If you’re like most of Startup Slingshot community members, the act of creating gets you excited. You love taking an idea and manifesting it into the world. You are committed to solving real problems — and equally important — building a sustainable business. You strive to grow and improve yourself as well as the people around you. You want to make a dent in the universe.
We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?

— Steve Jobs
But launching a startup is hard. Everyday you face things you’ve never faced before. Even as you work long hours, you never feel like you are making enough progress. There are countless problems you need to tackle, many of which can’t even be shared with your team or your Board of Directors.
Maybe you feel like this community member:
Starting a business is lonely. My team brings me new problems everyday and I’m the one that has to address them. I’m constantly left wondering if I took the right step or made the right decision. This business and the team I’ve built mean the world to me, but I’ve got so much on my plate I’m starting to sink.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Do you feel like everyone else is making it look easy?
  • Do you worry about how you’re going to make it work?
  • Do you feel like you’re losing control of your business?
  • Do you fear that you aren’t growing fast enough?
  • Do you worry about what your Board of Directors will say?
If it does, you’re not alone. I’ve definitely experienced these emotions. Heck, even super-successful entrepreneurs worth hundreds of millions of dollars have experienced these emotions.
How do I know? They’ve told me. The best part is they’ve been able to overcome these feelings to build business that have shaped the world we live in.

My Goal With Startup Slingshot

My goal is simple. I want to help you succeed.
  • I want to help you solve a problem, change the world, make a fortune, and give back.
  • I want to help you to avoid the mistakes I’ve made.
  • I want to help you ask hard questions, get people to buy into you and your vision, and help you keep improving your knowledge base.
To do this, I will serve as your personal guide to entrepreneurial excellence. I will find the smartest, most successful entrepreneurs that have solved the problems the Startup Slingshot community members face and get them to reveal how they addressed the problem at hand.
If you’re new to Startup Slingshot (and you likely wouldn’t be on this page if you weren’t), sign up below to receive a breakdown of my most popular content delivered straight to your inbox.

My Newsletter And My Most Popular Content

Before I let you go, so you can continue to build your startup, I’d like to kindly invite you to subscribe to my newsletter, which is full of exclusive content, giveaways, and offers that cannot be found here on Startup Slingshot
As a thank you, you’ll receive instant access to a guide chalk full of the Startup Slingshot community’s favorite popular content.

Just enter your email below and you’ll get your copy right away.

You’re The Reason I’m Doing This

I just wanted to wrap up by letting you know that I’m here for you. If you have a specific problem that you are facing, but can’t seem to address please contact me. I do my best to respond to all emails.
Thank you so much for your support!
William Griggs

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